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What is Chin Augmentation?

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What is Chin Augmentation?

You might not realize how crucial your chin is to your facial harmony and profile. A chin with the right size and projection can greatly improve the balance of your facial features. If your chin is too large or small, Dr. Tenley Lawton offers chin augmentation to help you achieve the perfect, proportionate chin.

What is Chin Augmentation (Genioplasty)?

Chin augmentation, or genioplasty, is a procedure that improves the size and shape of the chin. It most often involves enhancing a weak or receding chin but can also reduce a chin that is too large or pointy. The goal of chin augmentation is to achieve a proportionate chin balanced with the other facial features to create a well-defined facial profile.

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How Does Chin Augmentation Work?

Dr. Tenley Lawton offers chin reduction or implant surgery to enhance your chin. She will place a chin implant for a chin that is too small, and for an overly large chin, she will carefully remove a small amount of bone. This is done through a small incision under the chin or inside the mouth, which will be inconspicuous once healed.

Chin augmentation takes approximately an hour and is usually performed with local anesthesia and IV sedation. However, Dr. Lawton often recommends pairing the procedure with rhinoplasty since changes to the chin can make a large or crooked nose more noticeable. Chin augmentation paired with rhinoplasty will take longer and may require general anesthesia.

Benefits of Chin Reduction or Chin Implant Surgery

Chin augmentation can greatly enhance your facial profile and appearance. Benefits of chin surgery include:

  • A more defined jawline
  • Reduced appearance of a double chin
  • Improved facial profile
  • Correcting a large, small, or weak chin
  • Better facial harmony
  • Permanent results


The first step is to schedule an in-person consultation with Dr. Lawton or one of our trusted providers at Tenley K Lawton M.D. in Neport Beach, CA. Simply fill out the form on this page and we will reach out to you promptly to schedule your appointment.

How Long is Recovery After Chin Augmentation?

Since your chin surgery will be tailored to your needs and may include another procedure, such as rhinoplasty, the recovery will depend on your personalized treatment plan. Typically, patients can return to work one week after chin augmentation. Swelling, bruising, and soreness are normal during this time. You may need to eat soft foods and sleep with your head elevated for a few days.

Patients can resume all activities, including exercise, in approximately three weeks. You’ll see the final results of your surgery in a few months when all swelling has subsided.

Am I a Good Candidate for Chin Augmentation?

Most people with an overly large or undefined chin are good candidates for chin augmentation. During a detailed consultation, Dr. Lawton will assess your chin and discuss your goals to help you determine if this is the right treatment for you. Patients who aren’t ready for surgery may want to use dermal fillers to temporarily enhance a small or weak chin.


*Individual Results May Vary


Dr. Lawton strives to provide the best experience for everyone who chooses her practice for their aesthetic needs. Read why our patients love their results & experience with Dr. Lawton and her team of expert providers.

Take the Next Step

Would you like to learn more about chin augmentation? Simply fill out the form on this page or call Tenley K. Lawton, M.D. at (949) (949 )356-6158 to schedule your consultation with Board-Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Tenley Lawton. Proudly serving Newport Beach and the greater Orange County, CA, area.

*Individual Results May Vary.

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