Enjoy a Brighter, Clearer Complexion

The wear and tear of age and sun damage can have a negative effect on your complexion. Redness and hyperpigmentation in the form of vascular lesions, age spots, freckles, and rosacea can all leave you with an uneven skin tone.

Fortunately, a gentle, non-invasive treatment can improve these complexion concerns and more! Lumecca IPL at Dr. Lawton’s office in Newport Beach can restore a youthful, radiant complexion without downtime.

What is Lumecca IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)?

Lumecca is an IPL device made by InMode, which is the same manufacturer as Morpheus8. Intense pulsed light, or IPL, has gained popularity for its skin rejuvenation benefits. Unlike many skin rejuvenation treatments, IPL does not damage the skin’s surface. 

IPL is ideal for concerns like redness, discoloration, and hyperpigmentation. As the device delivers bursts of light, pigmented spots in your skin absorb the light energy and break down. IPL treatments are also known as photorejuvenation or photofacial. The Lumecca technology is an advanced, FDA-cleared IPL device that provides convenient treatment with exceptional results.

Consultations Available Now

The first step is to schedule an in-person consultation with Dr. Lawton or one of our trusted providers at Tenley K Lawton M.D. in Newport Beach, CA. Simply fill out the form on this page and we will reach out to you promptly to schedule your appointment.

Am I a Candidate for Lumecca IPL?

Because photofacial treatments work by targeting pigment in the skin, Lumecca IPL is typically best for light to medium skin tones. While Lumecca IPL is most often used for the face, the treatment is also popular for the neck, chest, and hands, where sun exposure is common. It can improve many pigmentation problems commonly caused by age or sun damage, including:

  • Dark spots
  • Spider veins
  • Freckles
  • Redness
  • Vascular lesions
  • Port-wine stains
  • Rosacea

The heat of the intense pulsed light can also trigger increased collagen production, leading to firmer skin and reduced wrinkles. However, IPL is primarily a treatment for pigmentation. Dr. Lawton can recommend other options for treating uneven texture, skin laxity, and wrinkles. Many patients may benefit from a photofacial paired with SkinPen® microneedling or a chemical peel.

What is a Typical IPL Treatment Like?

A photofacial with Lumecca IPL is fast and non-invasive. First, we’ll apply a topical numbing cream or cooling gel to ensure your comfort. You’ll then wear protective goggles while we move the Lumecca handpiece over your treatment area, delivering light waves that target pigmentation. Depending on the size of your treatment area, the actual treatment takes approximately 30 minutes. Your appointment may take longer if you receive a topical numbing cream since this will take time to take effect. Most patients find the treatment very tolerable, likening the sensation to a rubberband snap on their skin.

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What Results Will I See From Lumecca IPL?

After your Lumecca treatment, the targeted pigmentation might darken and slough off over the next day or two. These pigmented spots may look like coffee grounds flaking off. As the discoloration is cleared away, a brighter, clearer complexion emerges.

Many patients enjoy improved skin tone after their first IPL treatment. The best results are seen with a series of two or more sessions, depending on your skin condition and goals. Your final results can last several months with good skincare and sun protection. We recommend one or two yearly maintenance treatments for long-lasting benefits.

Is There Any Downtime After Lumecca IPL?

Lumecca IPL doesn’t damage the skin’s surface and has minimal side effects. A photofacial doesn’t require downtime, though you may take a day or two of social downtime. Most patients find that any redness is minimal and can be easily covered with makeup.

Your skin will be especially sensitive while it heals. Dr. Lawton’s team will give you aftercare instructions, including using moisturizer, avoiding harsh products like retinol, and protecting your skin from sun damage. Continuing to wear sunscreen even after recovery can help preserve your rejuvenated complexion.