Newport Beach, Calif. –Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Tenley Lawton, based in Orange County (the cosmetic and plastic surgery capital of U.S.) separates what’s fact and what’s fiction about the latest procedure that has so many Southern California women requesting “arms like Jennifer Aniston.”
Fact or fiction?
Arm yourself before you consider Brachioplasty.
1. Upper arm surgery is the fastest growing plastic surgery trend right now. Fact or fiction?
FACT. Board-certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Tenley Lawton has seen the trend first hand. In a recently released report by The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the procedure is up 4,378% increase (since 2000). An ASPS poll shows the trend in part inspired by admired celebrities with tight, toned arms including Michelle Obama, Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Biel, Kelly Ripa, and Demi Moore.
2. Most everyone is a good candidate for the surgery. Fact or fiction?
FICTION. It is typically for those who have lost significant weight and have excess skin hanging under their arms,” Dr. Lawton says. “A patient of mine, and mother of three, had worked hard over the last year to lose almost 40 pounds. Despite her efforts, loose skin under her arms was never going to be resolved—no matter how many push-ups or upper body strength work she accomplished in the gym weekly. She was the perfect example of success, and Brachioplasty made sense for her,” Dr. Lawton says. “I was able to drastically reduce her loose skin, revealing tone muscle mass underneath. She now has beautiful muscle structure and strength. Her ‘guns’ are celeb-worthy,” adds Dr. Lawton.
3. There are virtually no visible scars from the upper arm surgery. Fact or fiction?
FICTION. “Patient beware,” says Dr. Lawton. “I have women bringing me pictures of celebrities with strong, toned arms and asking me to make their arms look like that. A Brachioplasty is major surgery and will leave a visible scar from elbow to armpit. Patients should know what they’re getting into.”
4. Yoga and pilates can achieve equally satisfying results. Fact or fiction?
FACT. Dr. Lawton advises most people with some age-old advice. “Start first by losing weight and hitting the gym,” she says. “Yoga, pilates, TRX are all great for toning arms. And of course, losing weight is key as well. Plastic surgery is not always an answer—and certainly not the easy way out,” says Dr. Lawton.