Ears that protrude from your head and look too large can make children and adults feel self-conscious. An otoplasty, also known as ear pinning or an ear tuck, reshapes cartilage to make the ears lay flatter against the head. This eliminates the appearance of oversized, overly visible ears. It can improve self-confidence and, for children, can stop bullying and unkind jokes.
What is Otoplasty?
Otoplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes the cartilage in and around the ear to help it lay flatter against your head. Dr. Tenley Lawton often performs this procedure on children and teenagers who struggle with teasing or bullying because of their ears. An otoplasty bends the ear cartilage to curve, which rests close to the head. When you choose a surgeon to perform a procedure on your child, make sure to select a board-certified specialist like Dr. Lawton.