Myth: Men don’t get plastic surgery. In fact, more and more men are getting plastic surgery to continue to look and feel young through things like hair transplantation or Botox, even microdermabrasion and liposuction. These are some of the most common procedures for men.
Myth: Men can’t get breast reductions. Yes, they can and they do. Men can often develop excess fat and skin around the breast area resulting in a feminine-looking chest. This can pose an issue of self-consciousness, particularly with younger men. Recent surveys show that 83% of men believe their appearance is directly tied to their success and ability to advance or be promoted.
Myth: Men only get a couple of different types of procedures. There are many types of procedures that men have done. These include eyelid surgery to reduce the look of being tired, as well as neck lifts, rhinoplasty, and chin augmentation to accentuate proportions and emphasize more masculine features.
It’s a common misconception to assume that men don’t worry about aging or their appearance as much as women do. In fact, they often worry about crow’s feet and wrinkles just as much.
If you’re interested in discussing a procedure, contact our offices today.