There are many reasons a woman may opt for breast enhancement procedures. A breast augmentation can increase the size, fullness, and shape of the breast making a woman more confident in her own skin. Dr. Tenley K. Lawton has helped women of all ages improve their physical appearance through breast enhancement surgeries. So, what’s the best age for an optimal outcome?
Essentially any woman over the age of 18 could be a candidate for the procedure. While saline implants are FDA-approved for women who are 18+, silicone implants are indicated for women 22-years of age or older. That’s because a woman’s body continues to mature into the mid-twenties and the breasts may continue to increase in size on their own.
Your age isn’t the only determining factor whether you’re ready for breast enhancement. Many women choose to get breast augmentation between the ages of 25 and 65. That being said, there is no “best” age to get breast implants.