If you or your child have prominent ears, it can be incredibly frustrating. Ears that aren’t proportionally equal to the rest of your body can make you feel self-conscious. Dr. Lawton knows this is a struggle for children and adults, and offers otoplasty surgery to help.
Ear pinning surgery is commonly performed on children and teenagers. An ear tuck procedure is usually done to set prominent ears back closer to the head or to reduce the size of large ears. The earlier the ear tuck procedure is done, the better it tends to be for children because, while big ears are not a medical problem, the teasing and ridicule that can occur as a result may create problems all their own. Otoplasty—the clinical word for ear surgery—is also done on adults with generally no additional risks for an older patient.
The first step is to schedule an in-person consultation with Dr. Lawton or one of our trusted providers at Tenley K Lawton M.D. in Newport Beach, CA. Simply fill out the form on this page and we will reach out to you promptly to schedule your appointment.
Since ears are almost fully grown by age four, otoplasty can be done at an early age by an ear surgeon, such as Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Tenley Lawton. Both children and adults who are unhappy with the appearance of their ears are prime candidates for otoplasty.
With one of the more common techniques, Newport Beach ear pinning surgery specialist Dr. Lawton will make a small incision in the back of the ear to expose the ear cartilage. She will then sculpt the cartilage and bend it back toward the head. Nonremovable stitches may be used to help maintain the new shape. Occasionally, ear surgeons like Dr. Lawton will remove a larger piece of cartilage to provide a more natural-looking fold and finished profile.
Ear surgery usually takes about 2 to 3 hours, although complicated or complex procedures may take longer. The technique Dr. Lawton chooses during an ear tuck procedure will depend on the problem and the individual’s features. Ear pinning surgery procedures are routinely performed in the Newport Beach otoplasty specialist and plastic surgeon’s outpatient surgery suite in Orange County.
Patients can expect their ears to be more proportional to their face following surgery. You will have to wear bandages for a few days following surgery, but once those are removed, you’ll instantaneously see the results of your surgery. With newfound ear placement usually comes increased self-confidence in the patient’s appearance.
Immediately after surgery, your ears will be bandaged up to assist with the healing process and support the ears. You are encouraged to avoid sleeping on your side for a few weeks following surgery. Once your bandages are removed, you will receive a special headband to wear while you sleep to protect your ears at night. Most commonly, patients feel discomfort and itching following surgery, but pain medication can help alleviate any pain. Dr. Lawton will provide customized recovery instructions for you to ensure you have the best recovery possible.
Schedule a consultation today with one of Orange County’s most renowned plastic surgeons.
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